By: Isabelle Schindler
Summer is a great way to relax and revive yourself from the long year of paper, exams, and waking up early, but it’s also a great way to get ahead of the upcoming year by spending a few hours a day for your future self.
For those long three months you have the opportunity to not only sleep in and hang out with friends and family but also learn new skills to put your mind and resume over the edge for the next coming year.
There are many options to what you can do depending on your preferences and major/minor.
Learning a new language can help you in the future in many ways; it looks great on resumes, shows diversity, and allows you to be available for speci c opportunities. There are apps like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Drops and Busuu. Each of these apps help you with spelling, pronunciation and reading/ listening.
Summer is also a great time to travel, meet people and make connections.
During summer the country is more relaxed and you need to be on the prowl. Getting a summer internship or part-time job can help with this and give you the opportunity to meet people.
Even if it’s a job bussing at a restaurant, your customers are your domain and everyone enjoys nice conversation.
A job or paid internship will also give you the opportunity to make some money and save up for your future endeavors.
Though it’s important to keep up on your academics and future career opportunities during the summer it’s also important to relax and enjoy the time o .
Sleep in, go to the beach, take a hike, tan from the sunshine coming in your living room window.
ENJOY yourself and try to put any mind-crippling problems aside.