Resident Students Association Gather Student Thank-You Notes to DU Staff

By Chelsea Zhao

Resident Students Association (RSA) adorn a side of Dining Hall with colorful notes of thanksgiving to Dining, Cyber, and maintenance staff.

These bite-sized thank-you notes–collected by RSA at two note-making events on Nov. 15 and Nov. 16 – highlights students’ gratitude to the essential workers at Dominican University.

Many notes praised the positive presence of the Dominican University workers.

“I appreciate all the ‘good morning’s while walking to class.”

“Thank you for a smile every time, even if our days are stressful.”

“You all always make me smile. You’re the best part of the whole school!!”

“Dominican wouldn’t be the same without you! You are the best!”

Other notes applaud the essential work Dining Hall, Cyber, and maintenance workers do for the students.

“Thank you so much for feeding us and keeping our school clean.”

“We appreciate you cleaning up after us, we don’t deserve it.”

“Thank you so much for all you do and for constantly taking care of us. We appreciate you so much.”

“Thank you! I appreciate all that you do every day making Dominican a better place!”

“We appreciate everything you do to support the students and this university. Your work doesn’t go unnoticed and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year. Stay Safe!!”

Fairell Hunt, a Dining Hall worker, said she is deeply touched by the sincerity of these messages.

“I found a couple of hearts and stuff up there with my name on it, so I was really shocked that someone took the time out to thank me, and to actually thank ME, you know” Hunt said.

To show her appreciation, Hunt was able to thank the student personally.

“I was ecstatic, I was so happy. I even–when I found out who did it–I even gave her a bag of starburst to show her that I really appreciate she thought about me in that way” Hunt said.

“RSA wanted to thank these groups because we felt they don’t get appreciated as much” Isai Hipolito, President of the Resident Students Association, explained the motive behind this project. “Residents are one of the main groups who rely on these groups. Dominican would go hungry and would not look beautiful if it wasn’t for their work.”

Hipolito said that people left notes at CCMPR while abiding by the social distance and sanitation procedures. RSA also posted one sticker on Instagram for others to contribute virtually. RSA staff then transcribed these virtual notes onto the poster. The notes are compiled and glued onto the poster at SIRC.

Hipolito is pleased on the execution and completion of the poster. Had it not been for the limited planning time, he thinks this could be a point of collaboration with Commuter Students Association (CSA) “since commuters also rely on these groups [dining hall, cyber & maintenance workers].”