Dear Dominican University,
Welcome back to campus!
The Dominican Star will work tirelessly this semester to keep you up-to-date on all things Dominican. From COVID-19 news updates to campus events feature stories, dominicanstar.com is definitely a headspring of trustworthy information to open and bookmark on your web browser at all times.
In the recent weeks, the DU Star staff has been preparing for the Fall semester. Our Anonymous Snapchat Q&A is a useful tool and successful experience for students and staff. Our social media and website manager, Chelsea Zhao, has worked tirelessly in emailing professors and administration to get answers to your questions. It has become a staple of what we do at the DU Star and if you have not added us on Snapchat, dunews001, I highly recommend it!
With the spring semester being cut short due to COVID-19, the DU Star went all digital. Our goal was to make our website a one–stop shop for staff and students seeking on-campus information and updates.
This fall, we will continue to post regularly on the website while publish our print issues for the newsstands. We will send out bi-weekly print issues with the first issue‘s release scheduled on Monday, September 14th. These issues will be brief but filled with vital news and interviews for students to stay informed.
Dominican University is going to be different this semester. There are many COVID-19 guidelines and procedures that are to be followed for the safety of yourself and others. Wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart from others, and washing your hands frequently are key components of keeping yourself and others healthy.
I know we have heard these phrases for months now, but it cannot be stressed enough. If we want Dominican University to stay open and have access to face–to–face instructing and the many resources available on campus, these procedures must be followed.
In addition to these procedures, remember to use the CampusClear app to report any symptoms you may have or if you have come in contact with anyone who has/had COVID-19. This contact tracing app is another important tool for ensuring a safe environment at Dominican.
In addition, the Dominican Star is always looking for new writers and designers to join our staff. If you are interested, feel free to contact me via email: tgibbons@my.dom.edu.
I hope everyone has a great first week of classes.
Thomas Gibbons