Letter from the Editor

Dear Dominican Star readers,  

Thank you for your genuine support for the Star! We are more than honored to return this semester to serve our beloved community with reporting on all the happenings around campus. Even though we still have the privilege of selected in-person classes and on-campus events, we must understand how precarious the situation is. The high transmission levels in Cook County means an elevated vigilance for the well-being of those around us. This means wearing masks properly, social distance when dining, and getting booster shots. With graduation on the horizon, we must not let our guards down for the hopes of a normalized environment this spring.  

I would also like to inform you of our interest in recruiting new writers and staff for the Star.  A majority of our staff are seniors, and it has been our desire to keep the torch of student journalism alight long after we take the graduation gown. In that case, if you have interest in carrying this responsibility, please do not hesitate to reach out through our social media or email! We are always receptive to any feedback to make the Star more intuitive to student needs. Remember, the future of the paper relies on the enthusiasm of the students. The articles you have written will be archived into our newsroom for anyone interested in the history of DU from the students’ perspective.  

Chelsea Zhao  
