Dear Dominican University,
First off, all of us at the Dominican Star want to congratulate the Class of 2020! Your last semester was not in ideal conditions nor were you able to walk the stage in May, but your hard work and determination over your years at DU is applauded. The entire Dominican community will be excited to celebrate with all of you on Labor Day weekend in September for your formal commencement.
This semester was a brand-new situation for everyone. In just a short week’s time following Spring Break, professors had to alter class plans and adapt to the new normal of online classes. Students had to move out of the residence halls and prepare to finish the semester remotely. It was a change no one saw coming and adapting on the fly was a challenge for everyone. But we got through it! It is a testament to the hardworking people at Dominican University and the students’ desire to make the best of the situation. I want to say thank you to to the administration who helped guide students through moving out to making aware of the Academic resources still available to students virtually and to the professors who were understanding and flexible knowing the situation everyone was forced into. This pandemic brought on a lot of change and will continue to do so. We as the Dominican community must continue to support each other through the pandemic and continue to adapt to the changes that will be in place for the Fall semester.
As for the Dominican Star, our goal once we were asked to shelter in place was to provide the student body and the DU community with every piece of vital information. There were and still are a lot of very important questions being asked every day from students. Your questions are very important, and we will continue to give you the best information the DU Star has, or we will reach out to administration for you. The DU Star will continue to work during the summer months providing updates on the Fall semester and the plans Dominican hopes to have in place. Our team remains in contact with several administrators and professors. We want to keep you in the loop as much as possible. To keep yourself up to date, check in with our website, dominicanstar.com, daily for the latest campus news and updates.
In DU Star related news, I have become the Editor-in-Chief of the Star for the Fall Semester. I am extremely grateful for being voted into this position and excited for another semester of covering Dominican University. I hope we are able to be on campus in the fall so we are able to produce print issues for DU to enjoy.
Enjoy your summer break and continue to follow the DU Star for all the latest news pertaining to the Fall semester.
Thomas Gibbons