At the start of fall semester, Dominican University reached out to Dominican University clubs to ascertain their perspective plans for this fall semester.
Here are the responses we have received. We have asked for the club missions, plans for fall 2020, and openings for administrative positions.
Dominican’s Fashion Club is an inclusive and wonderful organization that offers intel on the fashion industry. We host various events and meetings that brings the true element of fashion into Dominican. We are looking for individuals who are really passionate for fashion and for those who are looking to expand their knowledge of fashion.
Fashion Club is fun and we’re always open to new ideas, since fashion and trends are always changing. I want to keep meetings and events as light and as fun as possible.
Plans for Fall 2020:
We are planning on hosting an online movie meeting revolving around the fashion industry. Possibly doing some at-home Tik Toks!
Open administrative positions:
Yes, we are! We are currently looking for someone to fill in the treasurer position and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested.
Dominican University Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students
Our mission is to prepare students for a successful career in healthcare by providing community service, mentorship, skill building workshops, and professional exposure. Through community service and dedication, we strive to eliminate health disparities in disadvantaged communities.
Plans for Fall 2020:
To find creative ways to offer all that we have in the past even with the pandemic. Also, to stem out and do some new things to help in the community and areas of healthcare. Also schedule zoom or reduced density tours and plan for the AMEC Conference whether that be virtual or in Florida. That is the American Medical Education Conference.
Our club aims to unite students of all majors and minors through events, experiences, and opportunities within the Psychology department. We welcome psych majors/minors, and other majors and minors to attend our events and become an active member of the community. Psych club will allow students to develop a new interest in psychology and it will allow psych majors/minors to strengthen their passion for psychology with the fun, engaging, and educational activities and events that we have planned.
Plans for Fall 2020:
There will be something to gain at all the events, whether it be tips on how to navigate life post-COVID-19, new information about psychology, or a new interest in this field. A few ideas currently in the works for this fall semester are career panels, guest speakers, murder mystery, mental health/self-care workshops, and more! The Psych club will adapt and flourish to the new social distancing guidelines and make sure all events are fun and safe for everyone to enjoy!
French Club:
As the French Club we are focused on expanding and sharing our knowledge of the French language and culture with those who are interested in it, regardless of major/minor and French knowledge. We aim to keep the French spirit alive on campus through events that will allow students to interact with each other as well as a variety of aspects of French culture, such as food, language, music, literature and many other aspects.
Plans for Fall 2020:
For this upcoming semester we’re looking forward to helping students explore their passion/interest in French. Currently we’re working on planning a variety of activities that will allow us to do so, such as having a Q&A panel with a French-speaking author, a movie night, and a French desserts/dishes night among many others.
Open administrative positions:
We’re currently looking for students to fulfill the secretary and treasurer positions.
Commuter student association is a fun way to stay connected with friends on campus with different events
Plans for Fall 2020:
Some ideas we were thinking of doing were mostly virtual events due to circumstances where almost everyone’s classes are online, like, a scavenger hunt on social media where you can be on campus or in your hometown. Also, come to CSA’s first meeting on Thursday, Sept, 24th during the free period at 2:30 pm via zoom to find out more events ideas that will happen and positions to fill.
Open administrative positions:
The commuter student association (CSA) is still looking for a publicity coordinator to promote up and coming events on CSA’s social media platform. If you are interested in applying to hold a club position email: Xesenia Schrepfer (xschrepfer@my.dom.edu)
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Student Association (AMSA) strives to form a community of students that are interested in healthcare, provide leadership opportunities, and educate students by having a variety of guest speakers.
Plans for fall 2020:
We will have guest speakers, such as medical admissions officers, professionals from different fields in healthcare, and current medical students.
We will have openings for the next school year, 2021-2022.
Cru is an inter-denominational student organization focused on creating safe spaces for students to consider life and faith. We read the Bible in community, ask tough questions, and above all – desire to genuinely know God and each other.
Plans for Fall 2020:
We will be meeting one on one, and in socially distanced safe groups to read the Bible and discuss questions about life and faith. We will start by connecting with interested students one on one. To learn more about Cru and connect with a Cru student leader, fill out our 30 second online Interest Survey at https://forms.gle/zrRB4mE3MYpmpWsE6 & follow us on Instagram at Cru.du
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA)
Our mission is to establish understanding and appreciation of Asian American culture and providing a support space for students of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American heritage.
Plans for Fall 2020:
We are thinking of online Zoom meetings of meaningful discussions and safe space for our members. We will also be seeking community speakers for workshops on APIDA related issues.
Open administrative positions:
We are looking for vice president, treasury, and secretary positions this year.