Dominican Bringing Big Changes to Rebecca Crown Library

By Thomas Gibbons 

The library is a college student’s second home. It’s where you crank out those group projects, work on term papers, and cram for finals.

On your first day of classes, you probably noticed the maze of bookshelves leading to the study area was gone on the second floor of the Rebecca Crown Library. Don’t worry! You will still be able to check out the non-fiction historical novels you have always wanted to read in your free time. Anyway, the reason for the change of scenery in the library so preparation can begin for a yearlong project to improve the learning experience of the everyday student. 

Dominican is underway in a brand-new project in revamping the library with new group study areas, rooms, a recording studio, a tutoring center, an enclosed outdoor area, and so much more. Barrington Price, Vice President of Student Success and Engagement at Dominican, is one of the leaders on this project. The goal: for students to have access to as many resources as possible to better their learning experience. 

“Last year, we came up with an idea of redesigning how we engage in the learning process, Price said. “I, the head of the library and a number of other staff members came together last March. We worked for the rest of the school year and over the summer on revamping the library.”

Dominican worked with groups of faculty and students over the summer to get an idea of what they wanted out of this project. “In the feedback, students were asking for more study rooms,” Price said. “They also wanted flexible seating so they could come together in a group and study. In addition, students asked for a recording studio to work on presentations and create music, videos, podcasts and so on.” The recording studio will be the highlight of the ground floor of the library located by Cyber Café.

On the first floor of the library, there will be more singular and group study spaces for students to use. Also, the Academic Enrichment Center and Disability Support Services, home to 50 tutors (and 11 tutors just for science classes), will have its own tutoring center. Students will have the ability to setup an appointment or walk into the tutoring center and get help. “We wanted to make our tutors a one stop shop in the library,” Price said. “They are currently on the lower-level or Parmer and throughout campus, but this will be more accessible for students.” 

Technology is a main focus of the project. Along with the recording studio, an entire room on the first floor of the Rebecca Crown Library will be focused on giving students access to high-tech programs. “Another big part of this project is what we are calling an innovation center,” Price added. “This classroom with be a tech heavy room filled with touch screens to create and work on presentations, as well as being creative.”

Price also mentioned that part of the outdoor patio will be enclosed with a tent-like structure to be a quiet space for students to work and relax.

On the second floor, the now wide-open area of seating will house multiple group study rooms. However, Dominican is looking for students’ feedback in what they want these study rooms to be. Price stresses that this project is for students and made by students. 

“We are looking for student input on what the rooms should have in terms of technology and furniture,” Price said. “This part of the project is moving very quickly. Hearing from students will make this project a great success.” 

The flexible seating located on the second floor will be part of the project along with the addition of a living room as Price calls it. “It’s a reading room with books along the wall,” Price said. “There will be couches and a television. It will be a place to study and hangout with others.”

This project will be completed by the start of next school year. Students will be walking into a brand-new experience to further their academic progress. “The library is already a heavily used space for students,” Price said. “The Division of Student Success and Engagement is here to help support learning and partnering with the library to bring all the tutors, technology, and much more together.

Image courtesy: Dominican’s Flickr