240 Meals Prepared at University Ministry’s “Come to the Table”

Photo credit: Dominican University

Azhley Rodriguez 

Staff Writer  

University Ministry provided 240 meals to the Quinn Center in Maywood on Feb. 15.  

University Ministry hosts Come to the Table events every month to provide meals to families in Maywood.  

The bagged meals were prepared by student volunteers and members of University Ministry this past Tuesday in the Social Hall. 

Due to COVID-19, the meals are prepared as grab-and-go style so people who need them can drive by and get one without leaving their cars.  

University Ministry student worker Maria Orozco says, “It used to be more of a soup kitchen style where Dominican students would pour meals for everyone and then sit and eat together. Unfortunately, now we don’t get that experience.”  

The 240 meals are placed in plastic bags and include a zip-lock bag of two tamales, a serving of fruit, a salty snack and a sweet snack. The tamales are donated by a small business in Maywood, and the fruit and snacks are donated by grocery stores near Dominican.  

“It’s usually Trader Joe’s and Fresh Thyme donating the snacks for us,” Orozco said. “We also do a bag drive because since it’s grab-and-go style, we need plastic bags. So, if people have bags, they can bring them to University Ministry.”  

After the meals are packaged on campus, everyone who’s available will drive to the Quinn Center in Maywood to hand out the meals.  

“We set up an assembly line there, and there’s more volunteers over there to help,” Orozco said. “It’s a great time!”  

Students are welcome to volunteer to help pack and hand out meals and can get more information on University Ministry’s page on EngageDU and their Instagram page. 
