Joseline Cano
Feature Editor
Illinois Attorney General:
Erika Harold (R)
Priorities: Public corruption, criminal justice reform, government accountability
and transparency, rule of law, preventing harassment, workers’ compensation reform, and the opioid crisis.
Bubba Harsy (L)
Priorities: Criminal reform, education, fiscal responsibility, government accountability and responsibility, health & safety, healthcare & health reform, hunting & fishing, legalization of cannabis & hemp, pension reform, and police reforms.
Kwame Raoul (D)
Priorities: Sexual assault, domestic violence, gun crime, women’s rights, affordable healthcare, voting rights, criminal justice reform, public corruption, and environmental protection.
Illinois Secretary of State:
Steve Dutner (L)
Priorities: Privatizing driver services and reduce spending.
Jason Helland (R)
Priorities: Mandatory e-filing of documents online, and restricted driving permits.
Jesse White (D)
Priorities: Keeping roads safe, combating drunk driving, protection
of fraud & identity theft, and promoting organ and tissue donation.
Illinois Comptroller:
Claire Ball (L)
Priorities: Cutting the comptroller budget, clarity on where tax dollars are going, transparency on what’s paid first and why.
Susana Mendoza (D)
Priorities: Moral fiscal health of
the state, transparency of taxpayer
dollars, safeguard taxpayer
dollars, technology modernization
staff, and strengthen diversity.
Darlene Senger (R)
Priorities: Saving taxpayer dollars, ending politics of
payments, transparency, and reducing overall.
Illinois Treasurer:
Jim Dodge (R)
Priorities: tax reform and
Priorities: Transparency, education, supporting farmers, and jobs.
Michael Leheney (L)
Priorities: Transparency in
financials and crafting relationships
with the Illinois legislature to create
a financially responsible policy.