Thomas Gibbons
Staff Writer
Conservative incumbant Bruce Rauner seeks a second term to further put Illinois on the right track.
Why did Bruce Rauner decide to run for governor of Illinois? “Illinois is home and home is worth ghting for,” Rauner says in a statement on his website. “We need real reform more than ever, and I need your help to deliver it. Together, let’s bring real change to Illinois so we can provide our children and grandchildren the futures they deserve.”
As he attempts to win another term, his success cannot be overlooked. Since defeating Governor Pat Quinn in 2014, Bruce Rauner has done great things for Illinois. A Republican from Deer eld, IL, Rauner has made strides in education, job growth, and is keeping our state safe.
The Facts – According to Bruce Rauner’s Website Increased early childhood education funding by a record $200 million. Through a partnership with Education Superhighway and the Illinois State Board of Education, the state has increased the number of students in Illinois with access to high quality internet in school by 25% since 2015.
More than 200,000 jobs added since he took office
Vetoed Mike Madigan’s 32% income tax hike
Secured $53 million to construct new Quincy Veterans Home facilities.
The Democratic nominee, J.B. Pritzker, wants to raise taxes, something Illinois does not need. Illinois currently has the highest state and local tax rates and increasing that rate will set back the economic growth in the Land of Lincoln.
A word from a Voter
“I am not the biggest supporter for Bruce, but I will not be voting for JB Pritzker because like the rest
of the Democrat senators, nothing will improve,” says a 20-year- old voter, “Pritzker has talked about raising taxes for the rich and legalizing marijuana. These actions will not help the state but hinder it, I will vote for Rauner because of his stance on taxes and what he has done forourveterans.”
In the last election, Rauner won every county but Cook. It’s going to be a tight race with both candidates have putting forward strong campaigns. But if you want to keep Illinois on the right path with low taxes and advancements in education, vote Bruce Rauner on Election Day.