Isabelle Schindler
Staff Writer
Liberal Democratic candidate J.B. Pritzker states his motives in running for governor of Illinois.
Restoring fiscal sanity and balancing the budget, setting children up for success from Cradle to Career, restoring and rebuilding Illinois’ social services, investing in community and economic development, and protecting healthcare. Some of the main topics Pritzker is promising his supporters he will address if he makes it into office.
Pritzker so announced to supporters at his new campaign office in DeKalb, Il (on Sept. 23) that the state of Illinois’ three biggest priorities are; affordable college, increased wages, and universal healthcare.
Having a networth of $3.5 billion and coming from one of the wealthiest families in the United States makes Pritzker an easy target for his competitors; he acknowledges it by answering the question, “Why do we need another billionaire running for o ce?” with, “My answer is that it’s a matter of values, Trump and Rauner are trying to destroy many of the thingsI’vespentmylife ghtingfor.”
According to ABC 7, Pritzker and his competitor Bruce Rauner are spending a combined $300,000 a day on their campaigns. At this rate, many people predict that Pritzker and Rauner will break the 2010 gubernatorial race record on spending by November.
With Pritzker’s wealth, he vows to give a regular ow of cash to smaller Democratic Party organizations across Illinois. So far, he has given $5 million as part of a Blue Wave program to boost Democrats in down- ballot state races. Pritzker’s biggest problem with Rauner’s governing seems to be his silence at serious and controversial times. “When the president of the United States wanted to take away health care from one million in the state of Illinois, what did Gov. Bruce Rauner do? He was utterly and completely silent, and you know silence is assent,” Pritzker said.
Many of these silent moments take place on immigration and DACA -related issues. A descendant of immigrants, Pritzker declares himself a man not only for the people of Illinois but for refugees who are seeking a safe-haven, for the DACA community, and for undocumented immigrants.
J.B. Pritzker states on his o cial campaign website (Jbpritzker. com) “What’s happening now in Spring eld is o ensive to our values. Bruce Rauner’s failure as governor is creating real damage every day to people across Illinois. None of us can a ord to sit on the sidelines. We have to stand up for what we believe in. That’s why I’m running for Governor.”