Nicholas Tomas-Orlandea
On October 27th, 1981, a new president for Dominican University (known as Rosary College at the time) was inaugurated at a ceremony in the Lund Auditorium, which was simply known as the auditorium back then.
Sister Jean Murray, became the 9th person to hold the post. Sister Murray’s speech, spoke on the heritage and historical background of the college.
She discussed how she felt on her new role as president, and how she liked the term administrator better as she said it contained the root word of ministry and service.
Robert E. Burns who was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, also presented an inauguration medal designed by Geraldine McCollough of the art department. The ceremony had faculty, administrators, and delegates from other colleges attend with their academic robes.
Many honored guests also attended the event which included: representatives from the Archdiocese of Chicago, a religious institution. Local politicians had attended, leaders of education organizations, as well as Sister Jeans class of 49’.
Musical entertainment was also provided by the rosary college chorus which sang the Alma Mater. The reception then was hosted in the social hall.
The other presidents were: Sister Hyacintha Finney, O.P. 1922-1928, Sister Ruth Devlin, O.P. 1928-1934, Sister Thomas Aquinas O’Neill, O.P. 1934-1937, Sister Evelyn Murphy, O.P. 1937-1943, Sister Peter Doyle, O.P. 1943-1949 , Sister Timothea Doyle. O.P. 1949-1957, Sister Aurelia Altenhofen, O.P. 1957-1964, Sister Candida Lund O.P. 1964-1981