9:45 p.m.: Thank you for following along all night with the Dominican Star. We will have a article up tomorrow on the full results from Super Tuesday and what it means for the future of the candidates.
9:40 p.m.: Next polls close in 20 minutes.
9:29 p.m.: Sanders will win Utah.
9:25 p.m.: Massachusetts race update
9:22 p.m.: Joe Biden is addressing his supporters in LA
9:20 p.m.: Maine and Massachusetts are still too close to call.
9:12 p.m.: Bloomberg to reassess on Wednesday whether he should stay in the race after a poor Super Tuesday showing via AP
9:09 p.m.: Sanders is addressing supporters
8:54 p.m.: Biden adds Arkansas to the win column, bringing his total to seven.
8:50 p.m.: Breakdown of state/territory winners
- Biden: — Virginia — North Carolina — Alabama — Tennessee — Oklahoma-**Minnesota**
- Sanders: — Vermont — Colorado
- Bloomberg: — American Samoa
8:41 p.m.: How did Texas voters decided who to support at the ballot box today?
8:30 p.m.: CNN estimate delegate count so far tonight: Biden 85, Sanders 30, Bloomberg 4, Gabbard and Warren with 1
8:28 p.m.: While Sanders will win Colorado, Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren are all expected to collect delegates.
8:26 p.m.: Maine is a very close race. Sanders only in the lead over Biden by 73 votes.
**To view the results state by state, check out CNN’s LIVE maps**
UPDATE: Biden will win Tennessee
8:25 p.m.: CBS News estimates Joe Biden has the edge in Tennessee.
8:15 p.m.: Latest results from Texas as 228 delegates are at stake
8:11 p.m.: Early reports out of Minnesota shows a too close to call race.
8:09 p.m.: Breaking: Biden wins Oklahoma, his fourth win of the night.
8:07 p.m.: Bloomberg holding onto 16.1% of the vote in N.C. with 44% of the vote reported. Bloomberg also holds over 15% of the vote in Arkansas and Maine.
8:05 p.m.: BREAKING: Sanders has won Colorado
8:01 p.m.: Texas is currently a toss up race between Biden and Sanders.
8:00 p.m.: Minnesota and Colorado are too close to call.
7:58 p.m.: MA, ME, TN are still too close to call.
7:50 p.m.: The races that have already been called
7:47 p.m.: Bloomberg now sits in 3rd place in Tennessee. Warren sits at 3rd in her home state of Massachusetts. In North Carolina, Bloomberg sits in 3rd but with 17.1% of the vote. It is going to be key for Bloomberg to hit the 15% threshold to pick up delegates and keep his campaign alive.
7:45 p.m.: Next round of polls close in 15 minutes! Are you excited or what ?!?
7:33 p.m.: FACT–48% of the delegates tonight come from Texas and California
7:30 p.m.: Bloomberg and Warren are currently speaking to their supporters
7:25 p.m.: With 93% of the votes reported in Virginia, Biden sits at 54%, Sanders 23.1%, Warren at 10.5%.
7:23 p.m.: Bloomberg is starting off strong in Tennessee.
7:19 p.m.: There is a Super Tuesday for the Republican party too.
7:18 p.m.: CNN VIDEO
7:13 p.m.: Numbers for Elizabeth Warren have been very quiet tonight, but she is in a close race with Sen. Sanders for her home state of Massachusetts.
7:11 p.m.: Information via CNN on Sanders voters in his home state of Vermont
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ strongest supporters in his home state were those who identify as very liberal, those under the age of 45, and voters who want a candidate who can bring about needed change.
According to early exit polls, 7 in 10 Vermont voters who identify as very liberal voted for Sanders.
7:08 p.m.: Bloomberg is polling at 10% in Vermont with 3% of the votes reported. REMEMBER: To be awarded delegates, you must earn 15% of the vote in a state.
7:02 p.m.: According to CNN, here are the early leaders in three states
- Massachusetts (91 Delegates): Biden, Sanders and Warren
- Oklahoma (37 Delegates): Biden and Sanders
- Maine (24 Delegates): Biden and Sanders
7:00 p.m.: Biden is predicted to win Alabama. It will be his third win of the night
6:50 p.m.: Next polls close in 10 minutes
6:48 p.m.: Video on Biden on how he was able to control Virginia.
6:42 p.m.: Bloomberg has won U.S. territory American Samoa. 6 delegates are at stake in the territory.
6:39 p.m.: Just like in South Carolina, Biden has the support among black voters in North Carolina.
6:36 p.m.: Bloomberg spent over $17 million in Virginia in ads. He’s currently polling at just 9.5% in Virginia.
6:31 p.m.: Biden is projected to win North Carolina, his second projected win of the night.
6:24 p.m.: It is very early, but here is the projected delegate count via CBS News
The Dominican Star will keep you updated as the results of Super Tuesday pour in throughout the night.
FACT: The 14 states at the polls today contain 40% of the US population.5p.m.: The polling places in Vermont will close in one hour (7p.m. ET, 6p.m. CT). The last polling places to close will be in California at 11 p.m. ET, 10p.m. CT
6 p.m.: CNN projects Joe Biden will win Virginia. 99 delegates are up for grabs.
6:01 p.m.: CNN projects Bernie Sanders will win his home state of Vermont. 16 delegates are up for grabs.
Here is a great interactive map to view delegates by state and how many each candidate have won: https://www.politico.com/2020-election/delegate-count-tracker-democratic-primary/
Follow the DU Star all night for LIVE updates and results.