By Thomas Gibbons
As Dominican University continues to transition to online classes, a lot of questions has been raised. Here is some of the latest updates from Dr. Barrington Price via an email sent to the student body.
Pass/Fail Grade Options
As voiced in an online petition started by Junior Jacqueline Ramirez, which has now reached over 1,600 signatures, the Pass/Fail Grading option is now being discussed by the Faculty Senate. More information to follow.
Is tutoring still available?
You can book appointments through https://dom.mywconline.com/. For more information on this, you can contact Jennifer Stockdale (jstockdale@dom.edu) for more information.
What if you had a commuter meal plan?
Adjustments for commuter meal plans will be processed and reflected on your student account by April 15.
Refund for room and board?
Room and board/meal plan pro-rata adjustments will be completed and reflected on your student account by April 15.
And Commencement on May 10? Other graduation ceremonies?
Commencement will not be held on May 10 but Dr. Price states the University is looking for other ways to celebrate the soon-to-be graduates. As for other ceremonies like Candle and Rose, they are also looking at other ways to celebrate these events. For future updates, go to the Commencement site.