Noel Rodriguez
Staff Writer
On Oct. 24, Dominican University hosted for the very first time, its own Stars Talk. It was a way for the University to tackle its own version of Ted Talks.
The setup allowed students to share an impactful part of their life, in order to remind others that we are all human. All of us have been through something, all of us have dealt with stress, all of us have felt hopeless before. It reminded audience members that none of us are alone.
It also gave a reality check, you never know based on someone’s smile what they’ve been through. The person sitting across from you at Cyber, could have gone through hell and back, could have been through your exact situation, and had the courage to be where they are, just like you do.
To the brave students who stood up on stage to tell a part of their life’s story, bravo. They were encouraging and inspiring. With open hearts to an audience of students, facility, special guest and strangers, they reminded us, and others, that Dominican University is truly a community built on love and truth… Caritas Veritas was undeniably shown that night.
Hopefully Dominican plans to keep this as an event as it proved to be successful. Audience members along with speakers were definitely on a rollercoaster of emotions, as the speakers took us through a part of their life. I encourage readers to attend the next Stars talk whenever that may be, but I also encourage, sharing a story. You just never know who out there as dealt with what you’ve dealt with, and your story may serve as some sort of healing impact.