By: DeJada Daily
April, 25 2018
Trying to watch the yodeling Walmart boy on Facebook? Or binge-watching ‘The Office’ for the third time, but it continues to buffer? You are not alone in this. Everyone on campus is witnessing the downfall of approximately 4,000 devices being connected to the Wi-Fi at Dominican. However, the amount of devices are not the only thing slowing down our entertainment.
According to the Vice President of Technology and Operations Jill Albin-Hill, there has been an interference with the Wi-Fi, specifically within Power Hall, floors three and four to be exact. There are not enough access points, meaning that connection is limited.
In addition, the fact that residents obtain items that need to connect to the wifi in order to function such as Apple TVs, Firesticks, game systems, printers, etc. does not help the speed of the wireless connection. Hill also specified that one main reasons the connection may run slow when we are attempting to enjoy luxurious applications like Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, and more, is because the bandwidth to use them have been reduced in order to allow students to use the necessary tools, the internet, for educational purposes.
The Wi-Fi needs to be limited because it is difficult to fix due to how old the buildings are on campus. That alone makes it hard to pull more wiring in order to place new access points in Power Hall, and other buildings.
Hill says improvements are soon to come, she has an idea in mind that other institutions are using, and seems to be successful.