Daniela Martinez
staff writer
This fall the world was struck by immense changes in our environment and weather patterns.
This year, Mexico had an earthquake with had a magnitude of 7.1 along with the disasters brought by Hurricane Katia. Puerto Rico was also immensely impacted by a natural disaster as Hurricane Maria left the island in a state of emergency.
The United States was also impacted when hurricanes hit the states of Texas and Florida displacing thousands of people from their homes. Both states are on the road to recovery but Mexico and Puerto Rico are still suffering.
Mexico’s earthquake took the lives of at least 217 people. Multiple buildings were in ruins, and many were injured. Hurricane Katia took another 61 lives, and created even more chaos for the country.
The island of Puerto Rico is described to be in an apocalyptic state. Nearly half of the population is without clean drinking water and they do not have electricity or means of communication. Hospitals were wiped out by the storm and traveling is almost impossible.
Upon hearing about the conditions of both of these countries, Dominican students Anissa Vega and Jazzine Acevedo sprang into action. With the help of the nursing program and the Organization for Latin American student, they have come up with Mano a Mano, a fundraiser event aiming to raise money for the relief of these two countries.
Nursing student Jazzine Acevedo spent some time in Puerto Rico and was able to personally see the limited resources it already had before the hurricane even hit. explained that she believes it is a duty for the Dominican community to form aid for these two countries.
“It more than just a hurricane. It is our duty to help others, and to come together and find the roots of the problem. Just because it’s not in front of us, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to ignore it” she said.
Mano A Mano will take place on Nov. 1 from 7:00-10:00 pm at the Social Hall. There will be different performers including dance teams from Dominican and other organizations from different schools, in addition to a performance by Latino musician Jason Santana.
There will be raffles. The prizes include one night at a hotel in Downtown Chicago, one free dance lesson and paintings. There will be a DJ playing music people can dance to, a photo booth, and food throughout the event. Entrance is $5.00. All earnings will be for Mexico and Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief.