Crystal Medrano, Joseline Cano, Sabrina Henderson, Roberto Alonso
Dear Readers,
It’s time, the last issue of this semester and our last time working together as an editorial sta . All four editors and our senior designer are graduating and as we look back, working on the Star has been on of the highlights of our Dominican education. During these last four years, the Star went through a lot of major changes; with a total of three shifts in leadership. We would say this last one was most de nitely the strongest because we came together. In these recent years that we’ve been editors, the Star has also shifted from an all-print publication to having several news outlets and a bigger social media presence. It’s nally time to move on, and we wanted the cover to really represent that.
We want to thank everyone for their constant support and readership. Without those people who have shared their voice and allowed us to interview them, we would not have a newspaper. We know we addressed issues of controversies that may have arisen from problems within some departments but everything we have published, has been truthfully reported and completed to the best of our journalistic abilities. With that being said, we would like to personally thank the following people:
Our committed writers: Abel Rodriguez, Isabelle Schindler, Lexy Spreitzer, Juan Rodriguez, Megan Farley, Miya Medina, Chelsea Zhao, Kanoa Ikeda-Flynn, Thomas Gibbons, Daniel Bartik, Khyle Hayes, Sarah Butkovic, Dejada Dailey, Jada Coleman, Vicky Mejia and all of our contributing writers.
Our talented graphic designers: Benjamin Rivera Rios, Claire Groppe, Nick Taira, Guillermo Pizano-Nunez and the Lead Senior Designer and Ad Manager Raudel Flores. Without these people, the Dominican Star wouldn’t be where it is today.
Our biggest faculty supporters/advisors: CarrieLynn Reinhard, John Jenks, Dave Pabellon, Roshonda Dudlicek and our biggest fan, Sister Melissa Waters OP, who always sent us encouraging emails that made our day.
Thanks everyone once again for this opportunity to learn and grow, we know the Star will continue to bring relevant and important content in the future.