Hi Friends!
We did it! We finally made it to the last edition of the semester! Not only that, but it’s also my last edition as editor! As I hold back tears, I’d like to take a moment and thank the many people who have made the Star, and me as a journalist, into what we are today.
To my team: everyone has worked so hard this semester and I am beyond proud of the news writers you have all grown to become. You graced the pages of this paper with your stories with ease, even when deadlines creeped up on you and for that you deserve to be proud of yourselves, too!
To Professor Jenks: You have always believed in me more than I believed in myself, and I am so thankful for the support and encouragement you have given me. I appreciate your honesty and tough love with me, it truly helped push me to become the journalist I am today. Thank you for always having my back and allowing me to test my limits as a journalist. I have learned so much from you, so thank you.
To Momma Shonda: You have always been the rock that the staff needed and for that we love you! You are so knowledgeable and dedicated, the paper truly would be a mess without you. My Sundays with you were always the best as long as we’re talking about stories over an Einstein bagel together. Thank you for your commitment to the paper and our careers.
Thank you to the administration for allowing me to be a voice for the DU community, even when that meant covering subjects that weren’t entirely good for the university’s reputation. The goal was to always inform the DU community and share information that is important for everyone to know.
To my family, friends, partner, and Joanna: You have supported me along this journey for the past three years, thank you. I hope I have made you proud. You all inspired me to push through and finish strong and be the best journalist I can be and I’m so thankful for you all.
Finally, to the DU community, thank you for including the Star in your time at DU. I hope you continue to read and be patient with our staff as they transition leadership over the next semester. They are here for you and I know the paper will be in good hands.
My time at Dominican has been amazing. I will miss roaming these halls, the Cyber subs, the vending machines that don’t accept Apple Pay all the time, and most importantly, the paper. Even though I’m sad to be leaving, you haven’t heard the last of me. I guarantee you!
‘Til next time,
Azhley Rodriguez