Welcome back to campus, friends! My name is Azhley (it’s pronounced the same as Ashley but spelled with a “Z”) and I’m the editor-in-chief (EIC) for the Star this fall semester! I’m currently in my last semester of senior year majoring in digital journalism and double minoring in English and social media, my pronouns are she/her/ella, and my favorite color is purple.
I’m so excited to be in leadership this semester! I have a grocery list of ideas I hope to accomplish that I can’t wait to introduce to everyone. To start the year off, the Star has included many new members on the team as we begin the semester, many of whom are freshmen! We will be implementing a new translation section thanks to senior Matthew Desmond, whose minor is translation. He will be including a Spanish version of his column in every issue, so be on the lookout for it!
As EIC, I will be working closely with our senior designer Cristian Raya and online content manager Chloe Cabrales to revamp the Star’s website. So, stay tuned for a new and improved site! We are also implementing a photo section to get the DU community engaged with the paper. #PhotosfortheStar will be featured on our social media accounts and in a page spread in print including photos from DU community members! So, if you find yourself in awe of the beauty of campus, or really love the Cyber sandwich you had that day, don’t be afraid to snap a photo and share it on your social media accounts with #PhotosfortheStar!
Lastly, the Star’s newsroom is located in the L-Stop and has previously only been used by staff members. But this year, I’d like to invite everyone to stop by during office hours to meet the staff or just say hi! We’d love to meet you and answer any questions and welcome any story tips you might have. Office hours are MWF 12:30 pm -2:30 pm in Power 121.
I hope everyone has a great semester. Be kind to yourself, focus on your goals and reach for the stars.