By Contributing Writer Matthew Desmond
Congratulations, Freshmen, on finishing your first semester at Dominican University!
We are aware the past year has been hard for you with the transition from high school to college, but you’ve done it with courage and strength.
Before you enjoy a well-deserved holiday break, there is one last week of finals. If you’re feeling nervous about this week, don’t worry: DU is a place filled with support. To that end, I surveyed counselors from the Wellness Center, professors and faculty from UMinistry, sophomores to seniors, and Dr. Carbonara, who you all know from Student Success and Engagement.
Here are the tips that they contributed to help for successful finals. Remember, we’re all rooting for you.
It’s important to go into the exams with a calm mind. The finals cover semester material that your classes go over throughout the months. If you are strong in an area of study, it is important to trust yourself and figure out what you know. In this way, you will feel more confident in yourself.
It is also important to manage your time. Time management is important when preparing for finals. You can do this by creating a calendar or study schedule to plan when you are going to do each task. This is important so that you can grasp information without feeling overwhelmed. Another part of time management is making time for yourself. This can be through watching something fun or doing arts and crafts.
When preparing for finals, it can help to reach out to other classmates and professors. Forming a study group is a great way to share ideas and can help you connect with your fellow students. You can also go to your professor’s office hours as well as the Academic Enrichment Center to make a study plan. It is also important to check in with yourself. You can go to UMinistry to talk with a Waters Intern or one of the professional ministers.
Remember to be gentle with yourselves and others. Connecting with others is important in succeeding for finals.
Now you know how to conquer finals week: You can help yourself succeed through review and carving time out self-time. Good luck on your finals and Happy Holidays!