Bianca Dinkha
Staff Writer
With classes kicking off on August 29th, there have naturally been a spew of emotions expressed among the freshmen class. Have your first two weeks been exciting and new, but also overwhelming?
If your answer was yes to all of those, you are not alone. As a freshman, it might be difficult adjusting to an entirely new environment and acclimating to college life.
You might be worried about making friends and finding your way. You also might be struggling with feelings of homesickness and loneliness. Whatever you might be feeling, there’s no doubt the next person feels the same.
To get the full scoop, I interviewed a few freshmen asking how their Dominican experience has been thus far. Nursing major Elisa Aviles listed several pros and cons of living at Dominican.
She emphasized the pros of being with people on campus, whether it’s to play pool and hang out in the commons or to sit down and study with someone. Elisa also brought attention to how helpful people are. For example, if someone were to drop a piece of laundry, someone else would immediately pick it up.
However, despite the pros, there are some cons to living on campus. Elisa put stress on the fact that there is no air conditioning in the Coughlin Hall, as well as the hair that accumulates in the girls’ bathrooms. She additionally mentioned the writing on the elevator doors and how residents might get charged for it.
Elisa’s overall experience has been going well, much like international business major Stephany Vazquez. Stephany also lives on campus and really enjoys her time at Dominican.
Nevertheless, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything.
She started off on a positive note saying that dorming gives her more time for leisure activities and feels less distracted at school than she does at home. Furthermore, she said that there are always little activities to do with friends every night, like bracelet making, pottery, etc.
The downsides Stephany brought up were the beds in the dorms. She revealed how hard and uncomfortable the mattresses are. She said that despite sleeping on a mattress topper, the
beds are still unpleasant to rest on.
The consensus is that the dorm accommodations at Dominican are less than perfect. In spite of everything, their overall experience has been positive so far.
With that being said, good luck freshmen, and don’t forget to clean up your hair.