Sabrina Henderson
Staff Writer
Halloween 1929 – Rosary college janitor, Peter Ferrari, died at 23-years of age while installing an electric fixture in Rosary’s kitchen. While installation, he was electrocuted after conducting a wrong move.
May 2016 – Fernando Casa, 19, of Stone Park was found by Division St. Railroad tracks in Thatcher woods in a plastic bag by two hikers. A separate bag full of clothing was found. Officials state that Casa had died from a gunshot wound to the abdominal. Carlos martinez-Rodriguez, 36, of New York City was charged with the murder and has been denied bail.
July 2011 – Chervon Alexander, 29, was found in her car parked in Dominican University’s Priory Campus. She was sitting inside her car and had been shot multiple times. This was the first murder since 2005 for the town of River Forest. Former north Chicago cop, Devin Bickham Sr., his son, Devin Bickham Jr., and a friend, Taylor Cardell were arrested. Alexander and Bickham Sr. were having an extramarital affair which was the reasoning behind the murder plot.
October 2013 – Jasmin Salas, 20, of Humboldt Park was found dead from multiple stab and incised wounds in a plastic bag in Thatcher Woods. Justin Correa, 19, was charged with first degree murder and attempt to conceal a homicide. Jasmin, pregnant at the time, was in a domestic abusive relationship with Justino.
May 2016 – While enjoying a day out with friends, Cameron Sanders, 16, of Villa Park, went missing after jumping into the Des Plaines River. Sander’s body was not found until 6 days after having gone missing. His cause of death according to the officials is drowining.