By Sabrina Henderson
Chicago Mayoral Elections ends with a win for former President of the Police Board and the chair of the Chicago Police Accountability Task Force, Lori LightFoot.
This election is historic as Lightfoot is the rst LGBT+ and African American woman to serve as Chicago mayor.
She ran on the campaign on xing corrupt Chicago police force, which gained a lot of criticism and distrust, especially after uncovering the shooting of Laquan McDonald and subsequent trials.
There are other controversies that resides with her, such as her idea to convert closed down Chicago Public Schools into police academies.
She will be inaugurated into o ce May 20, 2019.
Students share their thoughts on the incoming Mayor:
Senior Benjamin Rivera said, “Yay! Hopefully, I can consume cannabis legally now.”
Junior Estefania Espinosa said, “It’s like she wants to be transparent.”
Senior Sebastion Medina said, “What drew me to cast my vote for Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s rst openly gay, African American woman mayor, was her compassion and authenticity to help invest and rebuild our city’s communities. Not only am I grateful that she will protect and promote the safety and well-being of the city’s LGBTQ+ youth, but that she will also strive to eliminate the racial and structural inequities that are commonly found in Chicago Public Schools.”