Campus Events

Dominican Inaugurates 11th President

Azhley Rodriguez  Staff Writer  Glena Temple was inaugurated as Dominican’s 11th president this month, after a week of events leading up to the event.   The rainy day began with a ceremonial Mass in Rosary Chapel. […]

Campus News

Rebecca Crown Library Bookmarks 50 Years

Katy Agans  Contributing Writer At Dominican, even the buildings get birthdays. The Rebecca Crown Library celebrated its 50-year anniversary on April 11.   The celebration is split into two different events. The first was a keynote […]

Opinion Pieces

Sunshine Vitamin is Homegrown Remedy

By Kalla Williams As another Chicago winter comes to a close, countless people eagerly anticipate longer days and beautiful summer weather. This excitement is partly due to the positive shifts in mood and mental health […]

Fashion Focus

Chicago Fashion Week Makes a Scene

Chloe Cabrales Staff Writer Mark my words, Chicago will become the new fashion capital of the Midwest! Powered by the Fashion Bar, a fashion business consulting firm, Chicago is in its 8th season of holding […]

Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Dear Dominican University Student, Staff and Faculty,   When I first started at the Star as a general assignment reporter as a freshman in 2018, I would never have predicted the realization of the current moment. […]

Art Reviews

Tackling Trauma Through Poetry

Chelsea Zhao  Staff Writer E. Nina Jay is a Chicago-based writer who uses poetry to bring awareness to violence against women and girls. From her identity as a Black lesbian and a survivor of incest […]

Student Health

Balanced Diet Improves Sleep Quality

Food for Thought Nutrition Column  Kalla Williams Contributing Writer When was the last time you got eight hours of sleep? In juggling classwork, a social life, sports and activities, it may come as no surprise […]