Elisa Juliano
April 3, 2013
Like the highly awaited spring weather, Dominican’s Active and Alternative Transportation Week is right around the corner.
This year is the first time that Dominican will be doing this program. Previously, Dominican has launched other programs, like bikeDu.
Mary Sadofsky, supervisor of the Welcome and Information Desk, is one of the program’s main coordinators. Sadofsky said that rather than just doing bikeDu, she and others wanted to do a program that was more all encompassing.
“This year we wanted to broaden the message. We wanted to combine forces and build off of bikeDU,” said Sadofsky.
Sadofsky has teamed up with clubs on campus, like Eco Club and the Dance Team, as well as with local businesses, such as Costco and Whole Foods, to promote the program’s message.
Sadofsky emphasized that the main focus was “celebrating all modes of transportation,” from walking, to taking the shuttle, and carpooling.
“We wanted to stress that there are other options for getting to campus,” said Elena Maans, Dominican’s sustainability coordinator. Maans also helped coordinate the program.
A specific event will take place each day of the week. Monday centers on bikes, and participants register their bikes with the Village of River Forest.
“This is…great for students and faculty because last year bike thefts were a big issue locally,” said Sadofsky.
Tuesday is set to honor and appreciate shuttle riders and drivers.
“Rocky is like the face of the shuttle, and he’s known for rocking out to some oldies,” said Sadofsky.
Wednesday, the program will team up with the Commuter Student Association, WOW, 4RFuture, and Greenline Wheels to host an expo in the Social Hall. Thursday, members of bikeDu will pedal to Keystone Park and enjoy a picnic. Friday, participants will travel downtown to eat, recycle clothing and tour Millennium Park.
Maans expressed her hopes that attendees of Active and Alternative Transportation Week will “feel appreciated and become more aware.” Sadofsky is also hoping to receive “lots of feedback from participants.”
Active and Alternative Transportation Week will take place April 8 through 12. For more information on registration, as well as on pre and post events, visit http://ilovemycommute.weebly.com/index.html.