April 25, 2017
‘Flying Whales Are Not Safe’ is an original poem by Mia Powell.
World War Four will be fought
On the backs of whales in the sky
(With sticks and stones,
Like Einstein said)
And we will not ask why.
We will not ask why
Our children go to war.
We are far too used to this:
Good morning, breakfast, coffee;
You go off to work, and I will go to war.
I will go to war
By water, earth, or air
And fight for reasons
I don’t know –
Because my people care.
My people care for safety,
Freedom, self-love, money,
Shelter, food;
And I?
Well, I just want my honey.
Honey, I just want you
Safe and on the ground.
So stay away
From flying whales
And I’ll see you around.